Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This week we looked at how Israel separated into the 2 Kingdoms, the Northern & Southern Kingdoms. We decided to do a drawing timeline of the kings and when and why the kingdom separated. Toby & Lily love drawing so it was an easy idea for them to draw the different kings, and which king followed who (eg Saul, David, Solomon, Rehoboam). This idea helped us all get a bigger picture of God's overarching plan of redemption.

The learning point was about who we follow - when the people had good kings they were good and followed God, when the people had bad kings, they rebelled against God and did bad things. As a family we talked about what it means to follow good and bad people - and how to do good even when people are bad. Making good choices - even under peer pressure.

I knew this would be a big topic and challenge but getting everyone involved in the drawing and timeline was really helpful. Even a few days later Toby recites to me the kings and that Jonathon was David's best friend. Amazing!

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